NDS Surgical Imaging Agents
- NDS Surgical Imaging公司简介
- NDS Surgical Imaging revolutionized the medical imaging industry with its development of the industry’s first Digital Signal Processing (DSP) technologies for Minimally Invasive Surgery (MIS) viewing applications in 1996. The company continues that tradition of innovation with technological and engineering advances serving the rapidly developing surgical and PACS markets. Those markets encompass a range of specific areas where NDSsi’s products are used, including endoscopy, image guided surgery, interventional medicine, infection control, and patient and bedside monitoring. NDSsi is the global leader in designing and manufacturing comprehensive medical imaging and informatics solutions for today’s operative and interventional suites.
- NDS Surgical Imaging revolutionized the medical imaging industry with its development of the industry’s first Digital Signal Processing (DSP) technologies for Minimally Invasive Surgery (MIS) viewing applications in 1996. The company continues that tradition of innovation with technological and engineering advances serving the rapidly developing surgical and PACS markets. Those markets encompass a range of specific areas where NDSsi’s products are used, including endoscopy, image guided surgery, interventional medicine, infection control, and patient and bedside monitoring. NDSsi is the global leader in designing and manufacturing comprehensive medical imaging and informatics solutions for today’s operative and interventional suites.
Φ NDS Surgical Imaging代理商列表
- 聚興科技股份有限公司-深圳
- ATM Electronic Corp(福州)
- 聚興科技股份有限公司-上海
- ATM Electronic Corp.(北京)
- Tzero Technologies, Inc.
- Kaga Electronics Co., Ltd.
- ATM Electronic Corp(厦门)
- ATM Electronic Corp(香港)
- ATM Electronic Corp(深圳)
- 聚興科技股份有限公司-厦门
- 聚興(集团)股份有限公司
- ATM Electronic Corp(上海)
- 聚興科技股份有限公司-北京
- 聚興科技股份有限公司-福州
- ATM Electronic Corp.(台湾)
◇ NDS Surgical Imaging新品推荐
美国美普思科技(Tzero Technologies)和美国模拟器件公司(ADI)日前开发成功了使用宽带无线传输技术UWB(超宽带)和JPEG2000的HDMI无线模块。主要应用于数字电视、配有光驱的影像播放设备、游戏机和机顶盒等AV设备。
发送模块和接收模块组合使用。发送模块配备HDMI接收IC、接收模块配备HDMI发送IC,作为现行的HDMI支持设备的外置模块,可以直接连接也可原封不动地内置在设备中。 发送模块和接收模块间的传输可采用空间复用传输技术MIMO。在有墙壁阻隔的场合,5~10m的距离可实现480Mbit/秒的传输速度。如果速度约100Mbit/秒,可传输25m左右。可支持3.1G~4.8GHz下的信号收发。 确切地说,此次开发的产品是用来制作影像传输模块的参考板卡。该板卡上配备有美普思科技的UWB芯片组TZ7000、模拟器件的支持JPEG2000的LSI ADV202,接收模块中采用了模拟器件的HDMI发送IC AD9389,发送模块采用了模拟器件的接收IC AD9380。 此次采用的美普思的UWB芯片组已于2006年6月发表。由收发LSI、基带处理LSI及MAC电路层LSI构成。特点之一是采用该公司名为UltraMIMO的2×2MIMO技术封装,纠错后数据包误码率仅为10-8。与其他的无线传输规格的10-1~10-2相比,要低得多。该公司的芯片组依据的是业界团体WiMedia Alliance推进的UWB规格、网络通信技术采用TCP/IP的WiNET(WiMedia Network)。代理商新产品推荐
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